veterinarian designed

click here to learn why Vetraceuticals is so valuable to your pet.

To order by phone
call toll free 1.800.479.7550
or email

Vetraceuticals Rep Agreement

Required field

Applicant Info

Please provide the following information about the applicant(s)
first name:
last name:
company name:
co-applicant first name:
co-applicant last name:
applicant SSN or Tax ID#:
co-applicant SSN:
cell phone:
alternative phone:
date of birth

Mailing Info

Please provide the following information
about the rep:
mailing country:

mailing address 1:
mailing address 2:
mailing city:
copy mailing info to shipping info
copy mailing info to billing info

Shipping Info

Please provide the following information
about the rep:
shipping country:

shipping address 1:
shipping address 2:
shipping city:
shipping state:

shipping zip:
copy shipping info to mailing info
copy shipping info to billing info

Billing Info

Please provide the following information
about the rep:
billing country:

name on card:
billing address 1:
billing address 2:
billing city:
billing state:

billing zip:
copy billing info to shipping info



Credit Card

Please fill in the rep's card info:
credit number:
credit expiration (mm/yy):
3-4 digit code: what is this?


pay by check
Create a Password:
confirm password:
Create a Hint:
password hint:
Optionally, you may upload a picture that will appear by the rep name:
perhaps a picture of the rep?
(10240KB max)
(gif, jpg, jpeg, png, tiff, tif)
Img max width:
Img max height:

Optionally, you may upload a picture for the left bar on the home page:
perhaps a picture of a pet?
(10240KB max)
(gif, jpg, jpeg, png, tiff, tif)
Img max width:
Img max height:

web template:
background color

Web Information

Please fill in the new rep's webalias:
(this is the portion of the address after "")
web alias:
web name:
phone displayed on site:

Custom Info

You may provide custom text
web text 1:
This text appears on the left of the home page
web text 2:
This text appears on the top of each page

Rep Category

Pet professional - Pet professionals are anyone who owns their own pet business, such as groomer, dog walker, sitter, trainer, etc. Pet professionals must provide the corporate office with a copy of a valid business license. No registration fee or quarterly fees are charged the first year. However, all fees ($25 annual and $15 quarterly) will be due the second (on the reps anniversary date) and each subsequent year.

Fundraiser - Fundraisers are any organization that raises funds for a non-profit entity. Fundraisers must provide proof of their charitable/non-profit status such as a copy of a valid 501(c) certificate. Non-Profit organizations never have to pay any fees, annual or quarterly.

Marketing Representative - A Marketing representative is any person who does not fall into one of the previous two categories, i.e. Pet Professional or Fundraiser. Marketing Representatives pay a $25 a year registration fee and $15 each quarter for websites and email addresses.

rep category:
Please send us a copy of the business license to:
39685 Sierra Drive,
Three Rivers, CA 93271
fax: (559) 561-0801
Please send us proof of charitable/non-profit status to:
39685 Sierra Drive,
Three Rivers, CA 93271
fax: (559) 561-0801


Marketing reps are charged $25 per year for membership, and $15 per quarter for website and email service.
Professional reps are charged nothing for the first year, then $25 per year for membership, and $15 per quarter for website and email service.
We offer the Vetraceuticals Representative business opportunity to non-profit organizations at no charge.
I agree to pay these fees
privacy policy
representative agreement

agree to terms:
I agree
I disagree